Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Never Seen So Many Fucking Dumb People in My Life in One Day...

I've been doing a PwC xAct Competition recently. I don't like being a leader, but when I'm in groups, I like doing things my way. I'm already busy all day and I volunteered to make the presentation script by myself. I have no rights to complain about that but this one partner haven't done a single fucking thing all two weeks. This morning, he texted me asking if I can send him the revised copy. The only portion that needed revision was his part... Although I typed out the whole script myself, my three other group members helps so much. They helped with all the planning, what to say, and did everything as a group. The one person that didn't do anything for the group was always the first one leaving when we meet up. He says he has to go study, but he's really going back to his room to play games (because we're in the same residential hall). It really fucking pissed me off when he texted me this morning. I wanted to tell him to go do it himself. He hasn't done a single thing for the group.

Just when that's over, the guy at the food store couldn't be anymore dumb. If you don't know how to make the sub, then ask someone who knows! He made my sub completely wrong. Used pork when I clearly asked for chicken. He didn't know how to use the oven, so he put my sub aside and made the next person's sub before asking for help to use the oven. I wanted to punch him in the face so bad. My life doesn't revolve around you. Time is money. I don't have all day to wait for you to make my dinner. A simple 3minute sub took him 15minutes.

It's 9:50pm. I've been studying and in class all day. I took an exam at 6pm. All I want is a peaceful night to study for my exam tomorrow and prepare for my interview on Thursday. Why can't people smarten up and do things right?

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