Saturday, May 4, 2013

Been Really Down Lately...

*sigh* Life. :\ Emo post warning.

I have graduated. I got a job. I have an okay car to drive. I don't plan on buying a house anytime soon.

What do I do now? Lately, I have been really out of whack. I haven't been hanging out with anyone. I just go to work and I come home and do nothing. I'm slowly losing interest in playing games. They're all the same and they're all getting really boring. Without games, there's nothing else that can keep me from thinking... Lol,  yes, thinking is a bad thing for me. I have a tendency to think about stupid stuff. I've just been really down lately... I think it is because I lack human interaction. Uncle doesn't really talk to me much. Auntie's always working because she has two jobs. Andy just hides in his room and read reddit all day. At work, I can't really connect with anyone. They're all in the 30s and 40s. When you work at a small company, they usually want to hire experienced people because they don't have the money and time to invest in training new grads. I was an exception because my manager wanted someone that just graduated from college and eager to learn new things. But even my manager doesn't really come into the office because she likes to stay home and take care of her kids. Not only because of the age differences, but Americans tend to only love talking about sports. I think a lot of Asians agree on this. We're not really that much into sports and we just do our jobs.

My mom called me recently. She calls me a lot. She has this friend that lives in San Francisco. My mom was a babysitter for her since my mom was 16 and she watched her grow up. They're like best friends and she's wicked smart. She has her MBA, CPA, worked for PwC and everything. She's a school-a-holic as a matter of fact. Her mom's a teacher, so she loves to study. My mom trust in her more than her own son. When I was applying for colleges, she had me verify with this friend of hers before I accept because my mom doesn't trust in my own judgement. Well the other night, she was telling my mom how I was posting so much Facebook status about how I play games a lot over the weekend. She was telling my mom that I am wasting my life away and that I should go back to school and get my Masters. She thinks that without education, a person is going to rust up and be useless lacking in knowledge.

To be honest, I'd agree to a certain point that a person would because useless without knowledge. But I am done with school. I am done with the stress. I am not as smart as she is. I admit I am a lazy person and I am not smart. I realized how stressful school was for me now that I don't have to go to school anymore. As of now, I do not ever want to go back to school again.

My mom told me that and my mom also agreed that maybe I should go back to school. It really bothered me a lot. It really bothers me that my mom always take that friend's suggestion to dictate my life. Just because she is successful and smart, it doesn't mean I am up to her standards. There are things that she can do that I can't do. Just let my life be and let me make my own choices!

After that, I actually did gave it a second thought that maybe I should pick up a new interest. I refuse to go back to school, but I might start looking into online free courses from MIT or something. Last night, I tried to look into music theory because I always wanted to learn to play the piano. But I just don't have the motivation to get addicted to it. I was never talented at music. Now that I think of it, I don't even think I have talent in anything. I can't even perform really good in games.

This... Being bored of playing games is taking a really big toll on me. I haven't faced these thoughts since like sophomore year college. I used to stress out so much about grades because I got denied from getting into School of Management. Then I stressed out about my grades because I couldn't get a job.

I was reading on reddit once and people were talking about how happiness is not correlated to money. Money can bring some sort of happiness, but it's not the primary source of happiness. You can't say it doesn't bring happiness because you definitely can't get happiness from being poverty. One guy mentioned that not being super intelligent might also be a good thing. By not being super intelligent, you're just a simple guy. You get ordinary jobs that you might not have to stress over (This is somewhat true. I'm kind of glad that I didn't get into any of the Big 4 Accounting firms. My friends were stressing out so much during busy season. I think I can handle it, but if I can avoid it, I might as well.)

Seems like I'm just jibber jabbering all over the place. I don't know. I really want to find a new interest. I want to find something that will motivate me. Something life changing. I'm going to go crazy if I keep having these stupid thoughts. Why can't I just be a simple guy?

Maybe I need a companion, like a puppy.

1 comment:

  1. LOL music theory?

    Money is correlated to happiness if you don't make enough. After a certain point, money has diminishing marginal utility so it's value means less - and that is when the correlation to happiness disappears.

    Most people say 85k is the perfect number. Any additional salary and you're not any happier. But before you hit that number, your focus should be on money.

    Seriously stop wasting your time and learn to program. And get a better job.
