Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm Sorry

Confession. Recently, I accused a friend of lying because I jumped to conclusion without trying to understand the real story behind it. She got upset and just cut me off. Then I realized... I've been a jerk these past few years, huh...

I didn't really noticed that I was treating my close friends so bad in the past that I just cloud my head with thoughts that I'm always the right one and they're always wrong. I tell myself that I am a good person and I would never hurt anyone's feelings.

I think I lost a few of my close friends because of my attitude and judgmental habits. I finally realized that I'm not as good of a person as I thought I'd be. You know, I'm always trying my best to take it so as long as they are happy, I'm happy too. I always try to put others ahead of me and satisfy them because I don't want any conflicts between us. But in reality, I think I'm hurting more people than I'm trying to be good.

I felt so bad last night for accusing my friend of lying. I prayed before I went to sleep and I think God has shown me the answer. Today after work while I was at the gym, I was just thinking of all the horrible stuff that I have said to my friends; close or not close. After I ate dinner, I sent a few of my friends messages apologizing for what I have said to the past to them. Whether they took it offensively or didn't care what I've said, I knew it was something I should not have said.

I was to slowly improve myself as a person and as a friend to be more careful with what I say, what I assume, and what I do. I want to get rid of my old habits and be a person that I want to be.

To all those that I have treated poorly in the past, I am sorry for the things that I've done. I hope you find it in the hearts to forgive me. :)

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